Two new planning applications are coming forward for approval. Engage would like to know what you think of the quality of these two proposals. The one above is a design for a new hotel on the Strand and James Street. And the one below is for another hotel on Duke Street.

The 167-bedroom hotel on the Strand (above) is designed by Studio Mutt for Marshall CDP and is directly opposite the World Heritage Site of the Waterfront and Pier Head and lies in the Buffer Zone. Do people think this design is of sufficient quality to merit being passed by the Planning Committee when they meet? More details HERE Place North West website 05.04.19.

Liverpool Echo article HERE 19.04.19

Henry Space Developments have commissioned Falconer Chester Hall as architects to design their proposed 200-bed hotel on Duke Street which is in the World Heritage Site of the Merchants Quarter (Ropewalks to us!) Again does this design seem to fit with the heritage terraced houses which adjoin the new building? More details HERE Place North West website 05.04.19

The Liverpool City Region have appointed architect Paul Monaghan as the first Design Champion with the task of improving the quality of design right across the region. One wonders if he has been asked to comment on these two schemes or if he isn’t allowed to have a view as Liverpool City Council has responsibility for planning decisions and not the Liverpool City Region?

Planners are recommending approval next week for the Duke Street hotel development but their ideas on the Strand hotel proposals are as yet unknown.