Liverpool City Council is currently seeking residents’ input on the re-designation of the LoveCanning Neighbourhood Plan Forum.

Start date: Friday 9th July 2021
End date: Friday 20th August 2021
Comment: By email to or by post (see address)

Neighbourhood Plan Forums give communities direct power to develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood and shape the development and growth of their local area. A Neighbourhood Plan Forum for the Canning area of Liverpool (which includes the area between Hope Street and Rodney Street, as well as much of the Georgian Quarter to the East) was established in 2015, and the Forum is now applying to have its status renewed for another 5 years.

In deciding whether to renew the Forum’s designation, the Council will be looking for evidence that:

  • The Forum has a written constitution and is established for the express purpose of promoting or improving the social, economic and environmental wellbeing on the area
  • Its membership includes a minimum of 21 individuals who live or work in the area, or are an elected member for the area
  • Its membership is largely representative of the residents, business owners, employees and elected Members in the area

We’re encouraging anyone who’s been involved in the LoveCanning Neighbourhood Plan Forum to submit comments on this consultation, so residents in the area can continue to be involved in planning decisions that will affect them.

More details on the Liverpool City Council website.