This Friday Liverpool City Council’s Cabinet will be asked to accept the Liverpool Local Plan and then if accepted it will go to a council meeting on 26th January for full approval. This has been a long and at times tortuous process and the lack of such a plan has led to many controversial developments taking place around the city centre.
The Local Plan aims to set out the principles that will guide future development across the city for the next decade. It will have specific proposals that refer to development in the city centre, including a Tall-Buildings SPD as an addition. It also responds to climate change with policies ensuring energy efficient buildings, sustainable and active travel, enhanced green infrastructure, managing flood risk and minimising and mitigating pollution.
The Local Plan will also enforce various area-based masterplans in the Baltic Triangle, Ten Streets, the Commercial District, the Cavern Quarter and the Upper Central area of the city centre. Developers will be pleased to see the list of brownfield sites being made available for regeneration proposals. There are plans also to protect our parks and open spaces and for job creation at various locations around the city.
You can read more from the links below:
- Liverpool Express: New Local Plan set to be adopted after being judged ‘sound’ 04.01.22
- Liverpool Echo: Huge Plan that will shape Liverpool’s next decade 04.01.22
- Place North West: Liverpool’s Local Plan nears final sign-off 04.01.22
- AGENDA: LCC Cabinet Meeting Friday 7th January 2022
- Liverpool Local Plan SDH11 Draft Text
- Liverpool Local Plan SDH11 Cabinet Key Decisions doct.
- City Plan Liverpool