Work continues apace to deliver a restored and refurbished Piazza (Bucket) Fountain. This week Merseyside Civic Society spoke on BBC Radio Merseyside about the latest efforts to renew the now very sad-looking fountain in Beetham Plaza in the city centre and Engage prepared a questionnaire that we hope will be widely published.
We are publishing this questionnaire today – which we encourage everyone to fill-out and then share with others. This will help us to collate your ideas and opinions about the restoration project and the findings will support our fundraising efforts when we apply to funders like the Heritage Lottery Fund. It will only take a few moments and we have made it as simple as possible – we hope you find it easy to engage with – there are only 3 questions!
On Saturday morning, 28th February 2023, Pam Wilsher from Merseyside Civic Society spoke about the fountain with Paul Beesley, standing in for David North, on BBC Radio Merseyside:
Please support the efforts of many people both in the city and beyond who appreciate the wonder and beauty of this Grade II listed monument. It is perhaps the only remaining example of an acoustic fountain in the UK and many of us are determined to work with the local residents at Beetham Plaza to see the bucket fountain fully restored and preserved for future generations.