When: Wed 17th Apr - 4.00pm - 5.00pm
Where: Cunard Meeting Room, 6th Floor, Cunard Building, L3 1AH
The Planning Department at Liverpool City Council has opened a Public Consultation on the design of housing across the city.
This includes of course city centre and waterfront developments as well as the Georgian Quarter. You can read about the Housing Design Guide scoping document HERE
The City Council have sent out an email which states:
“Liverpool City Council are producing a Housing Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to provide guidance on the design of housing and housing developments across the city. The primary purpose of the SPD will be to set guidance which promotes the delivery of high-quality, sustainable and inclusive homes and neighbourhoods, which reflect the City’s distinctive character and context, and are well connected to their local neighbourhood.
SPDs give more detailed guidance to policies in the Adopted Liverpool Local Plan. They are subject to public consultation under The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. We would like to invite you to participate in the development of the SPD. I attach a copy of the Scoping Document which outlines the proposed scope and content of the SPD. We would welcome your comments on this and whether there are any additional matters you consider the SPD should cover.
We have also issued a resident’s survey in respect of the Housing Design Guide. You can fill in the survey online, and also read more about the guide here:
Please send your comments to planning.engagement@liverpool.gov.uk by Monday 29th April 2024.”
There is also a further part of the process in which you are invited to partake:
“You will have just received an email on the Housing Design Guide SPD, which Liverpool City Council are currently producing in conjunction with Levitt Bernstein Associates. Following on from this, we would like to invite you to participate in a consultation event to inform the development of this guidance. We are holding two events in April:
1. In Person Event
When: 4pm to 5pm, Wednesday 17th April 2024
Where: Cunard Meeting Room, 6th Floor Conference Suite, Cunard Building, L3 1AH
2. Online Event
When: 11am to midday, Thursday 18th April 2024
Platform: Teams
Meeting Link:
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 319 967 172 633
Passcode: eJn7X4
Each event will provide an opportunity to hear from the team that will produce the draft SPD, to ask questions/ seek clarity and make comments, which the team will take into account when producing the SPD.
Please let me know if you would like to attend the in-person event, or would like to receive a direct Teams invite, by emailing planning.engagement@liverpool.gov.uk putting ‘Housing Design Guide- Consultation Events’ in the title by Monday 15th April 2024.”
Image courtesy of Torus Developments. Harleys Lock, Lightbody Street, Stanley Lock Flight, Leeds & Liverpool Canal.