Wednesday 6th April 2016

Notes/discussion points

Gerry Proctor from Engage CIC ( )  welcomed everyone to the meeting, explained who he was and what Engage is trying to achieve here in Liverpool. He also explained the purpose of the meeting – the creation of a neighbourhood community within The Albany and, in agreement with the attendees of the meeting, the formation of a Residents Association.
There were around 46 residents who attended on the night.  Gerry asked attendees to introduce themselves, explain how long they had lived in the building and give an interesting fact about themselves (after the initial fears subsided, this proved to be a fun and interesting ice breaker for the meeting).
Then Gerry posed two questions:
1. What do people like about living in The Albany?
Answers included:
Concierge services
The quiet
Diversity of apartments available
Car park
The neighbours
Feeling of and actual space in the corridors
Bin systems


  1. What could be improved about living in The Albany?
    Answers included:
    Engaging with neighbours
    Building a community
    Heating insulation/installation
    High electricity bills
    Social media use to engage with neighbours
    Communal Representation with the Managing Agent/owner
    Use of the courtyard
    How to manage/eradicate short term lets and thereby issues resulting from them e.g. noise and behaviours
    Better communications with Concierges e.g. when the car park is out of operation, parcel notification
    Repairs and maintenance – e.g. roof leaks, apartment front doors, litter. Longer term schedule of work for The Albany building e.g. external appearance, window cleaning, painting, flag pole, trees on courtyard etc.
    Good neighbour behaviour e.g. smoking, pets etc. – consideration for neighbours
    Transparency and Accountability for the residents service charge.

    The attendees then agreed to the setting up of a smaller group to meet to form a residents committee. Gerry explained that Engage would support the group to do this and asked for volunteers.
    The volunteer’s names were:



If I have missed anyone or there is anyone who wishes to put themselves forward or if I have included anyone in error, please let me know so I can correct things.


Gerry has supplied me with some dates he is available to come along and oversee the set-up of the committee.  Can those who have expressed interest please let me know there availability for the following dates and I will attempt to co-ordinate the most convenient night:

Monday 18th; Monday 25th; Thursday 28th; Wednesday 4th May; Thursday 5th; Tuesday 10th; Monday 16th; Monday 23rd; Tuesday 24th; Wednesday 25th; Thursday 26th.

Gareth has, some time ago, set up a Facebook page for the Albany building at:

Kind Regards

Ian & Christine
