When: Wed 13th Jul - 5.30-7.00pm
Where: Baltic Fleet Public House, Wapping, L1 8DQ Liverpool UK
The Board of Directors of Engage Liverpool CIC would like to invite you to participate in the 2016 Annual General Meeting. This is particularly for all residents of Liverpool City Centre and Waterfront. It will be held on Wednesday 13th July at 5.30pm and there will be refreshments and a social. There is an opportunity for residents to become a Director of Engage and we are particularly looking for people with social media skills, bid writing and funding skills, website management skills, connections with students at the Universities and event management.
The venue will be upstairs in the Baltic Fleet Public House on Wapping.
AGM Minutes 09.07.15 for approval.
Engage Accounts 2016 for presentation (already approved at Board Meeting 09.06.16).
Official Notice of AGM, Agenda and Proxy Form