The draft Commercial Business District (CBD) Spatial Regeneration Framework (SRF) Supplementary Planning Document has been approved by the Council at its recent Cabinet Meeting as ready to go out to Public Consultation from 17th June 2019.

Residents are invited to take part in one of the forthcoming meetings to be held in both Old Hall Street and Mann Island:

  • Thursday 20th June 10.00 – 15.00 RIBA North, Mann Island
  • Wednesday 26th June 14.00 – 19.00 One Fine Day, Old Hall Street
  • Monday 1st July 10.00 – 15.00 One Fine Day, Old Hall Street
  • Wednesday 10th July 14.00 – 19.00 RIBA North, Mann Island

The Public Consultation process will explore the Council’s plans for future development across the area and people are invited to look through the draft plans and express their ideas about the proposals.

Council Documents p18 of pdf

The above document identifies 5 distinct character zones reflective of the heritage and growth of the City of Liverpool. The areas are:
Historic Merchant City -the heart of the City and its original CBD
Historic Waterfront – the ‘shop window’ of the historic CBD with the world famous ‘Three Graces’ and Pier Head
Modern Waterfront – dockside plots subject to regeneration proposals
Modern Business District – area within which 20th century regeneration of the CBD has taken place and currently emerging redevelopment/ regeneration
Haymarket the eastern commercial district and interface with mixed use / neighbouring quarters

The character areas give some idea of the extent of the draft CBD SRF Master Plan. You can read more about the Master Plan below:

Move Commercial article HERE 07.06.19

Liverpool Business News article HERE 31.05.19

Regenerating Liverpool article HERE 31.05.19

Place North West article HERE 31.05.19

Liverpool Express article HERE 06.11.18