Residents of the Waterfront are represented at the meetings of the Liverpool Waterfront Business Partnership by Engage and it might be worth sharing one small item from this month’s meeting.
For a long time now members of the business community have been talking about super-fast broadband and how important it is both for business and for the visitor economy to have quick, reliable and easy access to the internet that matches the needs and expectations of businesses and tour operators. It still hasn’t happened for them and yet apartment developments across the Waterfront are installing the very latest internet technology for the benefit of their residents.
City Quay which has 416 apartments delivered fiber-optic broadband to every apartment earlier this year and this has been followed by other developments. Others like Wapping Quay are in negotiations at present. The deal has been agreed with a company called Hyperoptic who have made possible the delivery of super-fast broadband to residential developments because they have an expertise in making this option possible for apartment buildings.
You can find out more at the Hyperoptic website HERE
And watch a video produced over 3yrs ago by the company BELOW