There are two consultations out at present seeking a response from Liverpool residents and Engage wants to make sure you are invited to take part and make your views known.

One is from Visit Liverpool and is a feedback form to discover when local people will start to go back to the city centre and make use of its attractions and what they will do when that possibility becomes more real for people:

Liverpool Visitor Research

The second piece of research is from the city council via Liveable Streets to find out what streets you think should receive special treatment to make them wider for pedestrians and safer for cyclists:

Liveable Streets Liverpool Research

We hope you enjoyed taking part in the surveys and making your views known as the city tries to respond to what the new reality will be like post-Covid. Engage is also looking at organising a digital seminar series with two other cities exploring what we should do going forward and how we can improve how our cities look and feel. We will let you know more once we have firmed up our ideas.