On Wed Oct 19th  we held the second seminar in the Engage Liverpool 2016 seminar series – ‘Reclaiming the City: from consumer and stranger to citizen and neighbour’ at the Aloft Hotel.

Seminar Two was entitled ‘From stranger to neighbour’ and was led by Atanase Perifan, founder European Neighbours Day.

Atanase was joined by local panelists Cllr Tim Beaumont Mayoral Lead for City Well-being, Dr Emlyn Williams Love Canning Neighbourhood Forum, and Prof Rhiannon Corcoran AcademicDirector Heseltine Institute for Public Policy and Practice.

Watch the videos here:

Reclaiming The City | From Stranger to Neighbour – Gerry Proctor MBE Opening Speech

Reclaiming The City | From Stranger to Neighbour – Atanase Perifan Speech

Reclaiming The City | From Stranger to Neighbour – Discussion