Once again Liverpool City Centre Residents and especially those who live in and round the Baltic Triangle are invited to attend a Public Consultation on development in the area – starting with a public event on 20th February, and running online for 5-weeks, until 20th March 2020.

How can I contribute?

Attend the public consultation event at the Baltic Creative, on 20th February. – Sorry, this has now been and gone!

Or, visit the City Council’s page on the consultation, read their proposed Strategic Regeneration Framework document, and their accompanying statement, and have your say via the big green Feedback button provided on that page.

Why should I contribute?

Engage always encourages residents to play as full a part as possible in designing the future of our city. Though many will say and with reason that often the voices of residents are not listened to when it comes to making planning decisions. There have been criticisms for a long time about the poor quality of many developments and the exponential rise of student accommodation, despite residents making their views known. Heritage buildings in the hands of certain developers are left to rot while other heritage buildings have been torched with little or no action taken. The same complaint is made by residents about disgraceful and ugly extensions in the World Heritage Site being constructed on top of beautiful buildings without any planning permission and with full impunity.

Despite that catalogue of frustration it is still worth engaging once more in the hope that your comments and insights will be taken into consideration.

More information can be found below:

Header image courtesy of IronBird Aerial Cinematography.