We have had a good season with free, locally-grown fruit and veg this year for everyone at City Quay.
The strawberries were plentiful and choice for quite some time and even now some have started to flower again (proof of climate change?) Plums were almost totally absent and no-one knows why but there was a great crop of apples (small but quite sweet) and pears (some still available on the trees and should be left to ripen at home for a few days). Rhubarb has been harvested now for months and continues to give. All the lettuces we planted grew well and were taken by grateful residents – at least we imagine they were grateful! The herbs are still growing! Help yourself.
We need to be more organised with the raised beds/allotments for next year so we can plant a far greater variety of fruit and veg. If you are interested in what we are doing at City Quay in growing our own food please attend the Public Meeting on Monday 12th October and see how you can get involved. Register HERE.