For a couple of years now City Quay has been trying to make itself more bee and insect friendly. Around the back of the site alongside the Casemates we have 11 beds around the base of 11 trees and these have been planted with different varieties of lavender. They are as follows starting with the first bed close to Casemate No1:
- Munstead – Angustifolia
- Hidcote – Angustifolia
- Papillon – Stoechas
- Dwarf Blue – Angustifolia
- Royal Splendour – Stoechas
- Vera – Dutch
- Greek Mountain – Stoechas
- Tiara – Stoechas
- Originalis – Angustifolia
- Hazel – Stoechas
- Anouk – Angustifolia
There are other examples of lavender on site and when in flower they look fabulous and have a marvelous scent.