Engage is committed to making sure residents of the city centre and waterfront are kept informed of all public consultation events that relate to the quality of life and the development of city living for everyone who has chosen to live here.
They are published sometimes as News items and often as Events and occasionally as both! Recent ones have included:
- West Waterloo Dock, Liverpool Waters: Event 07.11.18
- Isle of Man Ferry Terminal, Liverpool Waters: News 01.11.18
- Kings Dock Street, Baltic Triangle: Event 14.11.18
This is a service we offer to all our residents and also to developers, planners and architects. We care about city centre people being involved in the design of the city and their neighbourhoods and the spaces where they live. We would prefer that all developers would engage with local residents at the first stages of wanting to develop a site. We would also prefer that planners recommended to developers and architects that early involvement with local people would be to their advantage. Not all residents are nimbys and many of us care passionately about the places where we live and want to play our part in place-making and creating spaces that are good for people’s health and well-being.