Many improvements have been made to this part of the City Quay site. It is public open space and since Directors requested and received support from our local councillors we have added railings and gates at either end of the green open space.
We then put in a new border with traditional perennial flowers and have instructed the groundsmen to leave the grassed area under the trees longer to facilitate the growth of wildflowers in the grass. We have also commenced a project with the National Wildflower Centre, to sow a border with wildflowers. The first stage is the supression of the grass and the sowing of seeds. This has happened and we await the growth of the plants.
However some residents went out onto this space on Sunday 8th May and using a disposable BBQ not only burnt a hole into the grass below the receptacle but also tipped over and set fire to a large area of the recently sown wildflower field. Please be responsible and do not place a BBQ directly onto a grassed area.
There are many dog-walkers in this area and not all of them clear-up after their dogs. We receive numerous complaints from residents whose apartments overlook this area. Please clear-up after your dog!
Contact has been made with Carolyn Hassall of The Land Trust who are responsible for Festival Gardens and the woodlands adjacent to City Quay. She will be visiting our site on Thursday 9th June to look at how they can support the integration of our parkland/woodland area in to the bigger picture of green public open space along Riverside Drive.
Thursday 9th June 2016: Carolyn Hassal came to City Quay today and is really interested in working with residents who might want to collaborate with The Land Trust in seeing if we can manage and improve the woodland adjacent to our site. We walked through the woods and were surprised by what we saw! We would want to work with residents from Armstrong Quay, Shorefields Residents Association and the residents of Festival Gardens estate. If you are interested e-mail: