A senior Liverpool Council officer is amongst a new group to be arrested in a police probe into corruption and bribery allegations involving a top officer in the City Council believed to be the Director of Regeneration and Employment. This latest series of arrests forms part of an on-going corruption investigation that started last year with the arrest of Nick Kavanagh, Director of Regeneration, and developer Elliott Lawless on December 18th 2019 on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud and misconduct in a public office.
Now a further 4 people have been arrested according to the statement released by Merseyside Police. Questions have been raised for a long time on social media about the behaviour of the council particularly with regard to the awarding of planning permissions for developments across the city. Many residents have commented that it is a relief to see a police investigation underway to sort out rumours from fact and if some of the allegations are true then it is hoped that charges will be brought.
None of the news does the reputation of the city and this administration any good at the national level as well as the local level. It comes on top of serious loss of reputation in the Far East and in other parts of the world with the use of a fractional sales model which has led to hundreds of international and national investors losing thousands of pounds each as their investment opportunity collapses when development after development goes into administration in what appears to many to be an actual business model designed, made and perfected in Liverpool.
- The Echo: Senior Liverpool Council officer and businessmen arrested in corruption probe 03.09.20
- Place NorthWest: Kavanagh among 5 arrested by Merseyside Police 03.09.20
- The Business Desk: Senior council officer arrested in connection with bribery investigation 03.09.20
- KilfoyleOnPolitics: People in Denial 14.07.20; Difficult Questions 18.06.20; Transparency International 09.08.20
Image courtesy of LBN Daily