Engage Liverpool and the Heseltine Institute at the University of Liverpool continue to pursue insights and impacts from the 2016 Seminar Series ‘Reclaiming the City: from consumer and stranger to citizen and neighbour’.
In the final seminar in the series entitled ‘From Consultation to Collaboration’ Engage brought Dr Christian Iaione to share his ideas about how in Bologna, Italy, they were re-imagining the governance of cities in Italy and beyond. He certainly made a huge impression on many of those who came to listen to him. As a result of the seminar, staff at the Heseltine Institute working with the Chair of Engage started to look at how we might fund a further visit to Liverpool by Christian to help us deepen our own understanding of his ground-breaking work in the CO-Cities movement.
Recently Engage’s Chair was successful in gaining a grant from the Royal Society of Arts to take these plans forward and work will be done over the next few months looking at how we prepare the ground to explore working towards a structure of governance for our city and neighbourhoods which encourages active citizenship collaborating with many different stakeholders.
You can find out more about these ideas by reading this article below written by Christian Iaione and Shelia Foster in the Yale Law & Policy Review: