In 2016 we held a series of 3 transformational seminars, designed to empower people in the City Centre and Waterfront and bring about a more engaged and active populace.

City centre residents have been defined for too long simply as consumers rather than citizens. Apartment design also means we are designing-in isolation and loneliness creating strangers rather than neighbours.

We want to change that!

And Engage knows only too well that participatory democracy has to be fought for and so we want a shift from consultation to collaboration.

Engage’s Seminar Series 2016 focused on these issues, over a series of 3 public discussion events.

Wed Oct 5th 2016 from 5.30pm – 7.30pm
Doubletree by Hilton
Reclaiming the City: from consumer to citizen
Speaker – Jon Alexander: founder New Citizenship Project
Local Panel: Cllr Lynnie Hinnigan Mayoral Lead for Youth and Engagement, Clare Owen Squash Nutrition, Dr Alan Southern Co-Director Heseltine Institute for Public Policy and Practice and Senior Lecturer in The University of Liverpool Management School
Watch the videos here

Wed Oct 19th 2016 from 5.30pm – 7.30pm
Aloft Hotel
Reclaiming the City: from stranger to neighbour
Speaker – Atanase Perifan: founder European Neighbours Day
Local Panel: Cllr Tim Beaumont Mayoral Lead for City Well-being, Dr Emlyn Williams Love Canning Neighbourhood Forum, Prof Rhiannon Corcoran Academic Heseltine Institute for Public Policy and Practice

Watch the videos here

Wed Nov 2nd 2016 from 5.30pm – 7.30pm
Leggate Theatre, Victoria Gallery & Museum, University of Liverpool
Reclaiming the City: from consultation to collaboration
Speaker – Dr Christian Iaione: associate professor of public law at Guglielmo Marconi University of Rome
Local Panel: Cllr Alan Dean Chair of Constitutional Issues Committee, Mark Swift CEO Wellbeing Enterprises CIC, Dr Peter North Reader in Alternative Economies, Department of Geography and Planning, University of Liverpool

Watch the videos here

The Speakers

Our National speaker will be the inspirational Jon Alexander from the New Citizenship Project who will start the series, followed by international speakers Atanase Perifan the founder of European Neighbours Day  and Dr Christian IaioneProfessor of Public Law at the Marconi University in Rome, who will deliver the final seminar about the new processes that people are using to bring about real change in Bologna and other Italian cities.

The Seminar Series

Since its foundation Engage has worked to empower people in the City Centre and Waterfront and bring about a more engaged and active populace. We want residents to have the confidence and the desire to be the change they want to see. In 2015 Engage tried bringing together residents and businesses in a Neighbourhood Forum on the Waterfront. Senior City Council politicians and major business leaders succeeded in rebuffing those efforts without offering any constructive way forward. The views of local people were simply cast aside and not used to help find a constructive way forward.

Residents aren’t going to go away because we live here! So our seminar series in 2016 will explore what it means to be both citizen and neighbour and will endeavour to empower people to participate in creating their own future together.

Engage Seminar Newsletter 22.09.16

LINKS to the Seminar Series:

Seminar One:
Read the  #CitizenShift HERE

Seminar Two:

Seminar Three:


The Centre for  Citizenship and Community at UCLAN
Participatory City
How do you create a city for all? The Guardian 02.12 15
100 Urban Trends from The Guggenheim Lab

The Commons Network


